To commemorate the centenary of Mickey Mouse’s birth, Mojácar has joined the global celebrations by unveiling a striking mural of the beloved Disney icon. Created by...
The Red Cross Mojácar Local Assembly recently hosted its beloved cooking competition for senior citizens, a cherished tradition that brings together culinary enthusiasts from the community....
After a month of intensive excavation work at the Mojácar la Vieja site, the team of archaeologists from the University of Granada unveiled their findings and...
Despite a change in date and a previous cancellation due to the “Dana” storm, Mojácar’s Night of the Candles shone brightly, drawing an impressive turnout and...
Mojácar Council has taken a significant step to enhance public transportation in the municipality by introducing three new bus lines, providing greater flexibility and convenience for...
The Junta de Andalucía territorial delegate for Tourism, Culture, and Sport in Almería, José Ángel Vélez González, made a significant visit to Mojácar to join Mayor...
Mojácar Council’s Sports Department, in collaboration with the Almería Provincial Council’s Multiaventura program, organized a captivating visit to the Sorbas caves, drawing together families and residents...
After its unfortunate cancellation due to the “Dana” storm, Mojácar eagerly anticipates the long-awaited “Night of the Candles 2023” on September 30th. This magical event, organized...
Once again, Mojácar drew a large crowd for its “Mojácar Literary Space” cycle, featuring author Julia Navarro presenting her latest work, “A Shared History.” Navarro was...
Twelve young residents of Mojácar gathered at the Guadalinfo facilities for an engaging workshop focused on “Mojácar la Vieja,” as part of the ongoing activities surrounding...